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" is where you can wallow in the parenting woes, celebrate parenting victories and discover new ways to love your children and your lives together."

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Have you, since becoming a parent, drank a cup of coffee without it going cold? Have you, since becoming a parent while staying at home with your children, drank a cup of coffee without it going cold? Have you even been able to finish a cup of coffee at all regardless its temperature? We all have different paths we take on this journey through parenting some of us co-sleep, some of us work, some of us feed our children only organic food and some of us give our children frozen waffles for dinner and call it a win. Whatever path it is your taking through parenthood I can only assume many of us all have one thing in common; we put our children first. 95% of a every waking day and even during sleep we are putting our children’s needs, wants and desires ahead of our own. Most mornings my child needs me to re-attach his trash can to his trash truck and help him “dump” marbles into the trash truck, then I feed the dogs then 80 other things happen when I find my cold cup of coffee on the counter. Some mornings my child wants to have his breakfast outside in which I move us outdoors to enjoy our breakfast once again leaving my coffee to cool to a perfect room temperature on the counter. Very few mornings my child desires to lay on me while watching TV and in just the perfect position to make it physically impossible for me to reach that coffee cup to my lips and yes you guessed it . . . . goes cold. No matter what that need or want is it always seems to go into affect right when the Keurig is breathing its last breath of life into that beloved coffee cup.


 I may be a little coffee obsessed maybe you are too or maybe you have a beloved thing that takes a backseat to parenting. Whatever it is; here is where you can wallow in the parenting woes, celebrate parenting victories and discover new ways to love your children and your lives together.


This blog is for moms and dads, adoptive parents, grandparents, caretakers and anyone who has children in their lives that they love, care for and want to learn more about! 




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