Be Good to Each Other
The other day my son and I were in the check-outline at the grocery store. Usually by the time we get to check-out after a shopping trip...
"Healthier" Mini Muffins (Quick Tip #2)
As stated numerous times I am not a domestic diva, I am not a professional baker or cook and I am also not a photographer! Ok, so now...
$5 DIY Monster Shoes
This idea came to me a few weeks ago when we got the Carter's Back to School catalog. My son was fixated on a pair of shoes with a...
"Big Stone Gap" Book Recomendation
This book is a true escape to an entirely unique way of life at least for myself seeing as I grew up on the California Coast. We are...
Easy, minor mess and lots of fun play dough recipe!
Play dough is not an expensive item to buy your child, this is true, can't argue with that! However there is nothing quite like the...
Today began with me being woken up . . . by my husband. This is rare. He’s usually gone really early and I am always up either when Luke...
Cleaning your tub (safely) Quick Tip #1
Many people clean their tubs differently and some people have tried and true methods that work for them, here's mine! As stated...
Dino-tastic Dad
We love to make crafts in our house and by we, I mean me. I will say though once my son gets started he just can't stop! SO . . . when we...
"The Obstacle Is The Way" - Book review
For reasons of my own I decided I needed this book in my life over a year ago so I purchased the audio book, which is the only way I can...
Welcome to NONE PLUS 5!
When I was expecting my son, I got a lot of advice and heard many stories about parenting. Some of the advice I used and some I crafted...