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Cleaning your tub (safely) Quick Tip #1

Many people clean their tubs differently and some people have tried and true methods that work for them, here's mine!

bath tub, safe cleaning, vinegar, soap, chemical free, bathtime

As stated throughout the blog I am not a full blown crunchy mom but I have my moments. There are areas where it matters to me to be safe and gentle and cleaning my son and the area he bathes is one of them.

We all know bath toys are a breeding ground for mold. When my son was first born I was told to soak his bath toys in bleach. First off I am not a fan of bleach (can't stand the smell) and second I just plain didn't like that idea.

I researched alternative ways and found this:

1 part dawn

2 parts vinegar

You fill your tub with really hot water and mix in the soap and vinegar, if you have "squirty" bath toys you fill them up with this solution and shake them around then when emptying the tub you also quirt out that water. You can rinse the tub and be done!

I love this because you don't have to worry about thoroughly rinsing the tub after cleaning because you have not used any harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubs.

You don't have to do much scrubbing either, that all depends on the state of your tub, if you are doing this at least once a week then the amount of work you do is so minimal, just soak and rinse.

bath tub, safe cleaning, vinegar, soap, chemical free, bath time

I have to clean my tub frequently because I cloth diaper my son and use the bucket plunger method which means i also use my sons bath. We also bathe our dogs in the bath. So this method is awesome for my household!

** Here is my "super mom" tip. I don't measure. I grab the bottle of vinegar and dump until pleased, I grab my soap pump (not often dawn) from my sink and pump until pleased. I usually let sit till water cools and drain and quick rinse. Done.

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Cold Coffee, Dirty Diapers and Daydreams

I wont pretend that life with baby is perfect and I really wont pretend that life with a toddler is perfect! That's OK, try as we might our lives will never be "perfect"  because there will always be something bigger and better that we want to conquer next! Most importantly in the now; life is good! I am a stay-at-home-mom with a wonderful and supportive husband who is busy working as well as attending school full-time. I have many hobbies in which I enjoy and generally never focus on one for too long. . . "hobby ADHD". Most of my hobbies are done while watching television or listening to an audio book! As far as parenting goes I am a pretty attached mama who nursed until my son was 14 months old, wore him from time to time but not as much as I wish I did (now that he won't stay put) and I currently cloth diaper. I am not a crunchy granola mom(aspire as I may), I do envy their dedication to all things natural and "clean". I do not hold any parenting style against anyone and I often love to take different aspects of parenting styles and use them for my own unique parenting approach. Before I had a child I was busy as an educator working with kids ranging from preschool to elementary school, I worked with special education specifically autism as well as tutored and taught gymnastics. I have always loved working with children and knew being a mom was made for me. 
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