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Easy, minor mess and lots of fun play dough recipe!

Play dough is not an expensive item to buy your child, this is true, can't argue with that! However there is nothing quite like the texture of a good homemade play dough, not to mention the endless personalization opportunities such as color, texture and smell! Added bonus: it is super easy and a great way to get the kiddos in the kitchen contributing to something they will enjoy afterwords!

My little guy was not much of a help but he loves to "dump" things and he definitely loves to make a mess so this was a great way for him to participate.

We have a local business here in one of our malls that caters to almost every age of children entertaining them with numerous activities, play dough being one of them. They always have these most delicious-smelling homemade play-dough's that I have been wanting to create at home!

Below are two recipes in which we have tried over the last few weeks here at home. Both came out amazing, and keep very well in a zip-lock bag when not being used.

Play-dough recipe #1:

*2 cups flour

*3/4 cup salt

*4 teaspoons cream of tarter

*2 cups lukewarm water

*2 Tablespoons of vegetable oil

*Food coloring

Mix the flour, salt and cream of tarter in a large pot and then add the oil and water. Next add in the food color. Stir constantly over medium heat and continue until dough forms into a ball. Once dough is thick and in the form of a ball you can then remove from the pan and place in a zip lock bag and let cool before playing. I left the bag open so the heat could escape and we could play with is sooner!

Play-dough recipe #2 (kool-aid)

*1 cup flour

*1/4 cup salt

*1 teaspoon cream of tarter

*3/4 cup water

*1 Tablespoon of vegetable oil

*2 packets of Kool-aid (flavor/scent of choice)

Follow exact directions as above. All ingredients can be mixed in together and then heated until dough forms.

Play-dough is great as a sensory project especially when it is has a great smell! We picked orange for our first try and it smelled heavenly! What is great about these recipes is that they are 100% safe. Naturally we don't want to encourage eating of play-dough however in the beginning my little guy did put some in his mouth and probably will from time to time so its nice to know exactly what went into the dough and that none of it is toxic or harmful!

I hope you enjoyed these recipes and get a chance to try them out! If you do; I would love pictures or testimonials on your experience.

Have fun!

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