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Food Space Saver (Quick Tip #3)

Traderjoespizza, spacesaving, freezerbags, noneplus5

Saving space is awesome no matter if you have a giant refrigerator, an extra fridge or a separate GIANT freezer in the garage. But, if you’re like me with a small fridge space and even smaller freezer space then sparing each and every inch is a must! Let’s face it boxes are not necessary a lot of the time and they usually take up some extra space as well as “arranging” options.

spacesaving, freezerbags, noneplus5

I often take an item from the box, and place it in a zip lock if it is not already in a bag that will keep food fresh and safe. Have you ever done something like this and realized that you threw the box away with the instructions?!?! Yup that’s likely to happen but that is my “Quick Tip!” Tear, or cut out the instructions and then tape them to the zip lock or simply throw it in with the items. I have run out of time to care about how meticulously this is done. If you don’t want the exterior of the box or bag in with the food then taping is a great option. And there ‘ya go!

spacesaving, freezerbags, noneplus5

This tip also helps with the “other” problem: torn bags! Since most freezer bags are not resealable you end up with exposed food which won’t last long in the hostile environment that is your freezer. A great plus is that a freezer bag versus a box gives you the opportunity to easily see how much of something you have left, because no one likes to have only one frozen pizza when they thought they had two!

Hope this fun and quick tip gives you inspiration and you find it helpful.

Thank you so much for reading

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Cold Coffee, Dirty Diapers and Daydreams

I wont pretend that life with baby is perfect and I really wont pretend that life with a toddler is perfect! That's OK, try as we might our lives will never be "perfect"  because there will always be something bigger and better that we want to conquer next! Most importantly in the now; life is good! I am a stay-at-home-mom with a wonderful and supportive husband who is busy working as well as attending school full-time. I have many hobbies in which I enjoy and generally never focus on one for too long. . . "hobby ADHD". Most of my hobbies are done while watching television or listening to an audio book! As far as parenting goes I am a pretty attached mama who nursed until my son was 14 months old, wore him from time to time but not as much as I wish I did (now that he won't stay put) and I currently cloth diaper. I am not a crunchy granola mom(aspire as I may), I do envy their dedication to all things natural and "clean". I do not hold any parenting style against anyone and I often love to take different aspects of parenting styles and use them for my own unique parenting approach. Before I had a child I was busy as an educator working with kids ranging from preschool to elementary school, I worked with special education specifically autism as well as tutored and taught gymnastics. I have always loved working with children and knew being a mom was made for me. 
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